Shasta Union Elementary School offers a student-centered education based on the philosophy and methods of Maria Montessori. Students are supported and challenged to discover their strengths, to be critical thinkers, life-long learners, and contributing members of the community. Because we are a public school we are able to offer Montessori education tuition free. Students have access to Montessori materials and instruction from trained Montessori teachers and instructional aides. This hands-on learning style promotes independence and prepares students for the real world. Multi graded classrooms offer children the opportunity to work with students with different experience levels and to become leaders. At Shasta we focus on collaboration, independence, communication, community, discovery, initiative, and inclusion amidst diversity.
By respecting the individuality of the child and allowing freedom of choice, we foster the natural creativity and curiosity of the child. When invited to take the initiative in their learning, children develop self-motivation, a love of learning, and the ability to learn with independence. The goal of our school is to facilitate each child's natural inclination to learn. Our teachers guide rather than instruct, linking each student with activities that meet his interests, needs, and developmental level. Our classrooms are designed to allow movement and collaboration, while also promoting concentration and a sense of order. Working in multi-age groupings, using specially designed learning tools, our students learn to think critically, work collaboratively, and act boldly – a skill set for the 21st century.